
Touch: Mexcio DF

Mexico DF is the world's third most populous city and that's no lie. Flying in on the plane a blanket of urban developments spreads hazily to all points on the horizon punctured only by a scattering of mini-mountains rising out of the haze.

The city has an unkempt ambiance. People here seem to relish living in unfinished property. Everywhere rusty reinforcing poles jut out from un-clad concrete buildings like the third world fallout from a long finished war.

Crime is reportedly high across the district, 'dont take the green cabs' we're warned by hotel concierge. Shame because the comedic beetles are rattling around everywhere and add a strangely fun element to western eyes. I wasn’t party to any of the horror stories from a friend of a friend – actually we were very well looked after and the population came across friendly and welcoming.

This week the project kept us mostly on our toes during the days. Any daylight experiences came only from the rush-hour crawl across town to the office, in the evenings was a better chance to explore. Nothing really stands out about this city... unless you're interested in tequila (or its older, rougher brother; mescal). We were taken to a bar selling only the latter from an almost medical-counter bar and savored the mind numbingly (literally) different preparations and flavors.

The weekend offered an opportunity to take a day trip and we opted for the pyramids at Teotihuacan. Another day and I would have liked to re-visit the monstrous street market and highly acclaimed museum of anthropology.

Mexico DF's is a vast city with all the trappings of a populous Latam capital without any of the attractive features. I can’t help but feel that after a week I'd have seen everything; however the vast Mexican countryside and coastline may have offered the positive alternative.

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