
Taste: Mambo Italiano

Think of the most corny Italian restaurant imaginable. You're here, its Mambo Italiano. Walls painted with frankly awful celebrity cariacture freezes (complete with speech bubbles); one big dining room with a dozen more tables than space; adolsecent waiters in dirty aprons and santa hats pushing each other through the gaps; party of 30 celebrating a 40th; a blue suede suit, polished bald headed, falsetto singer - crooning along to numbers everyone in the room (except me) knows.

All together this adds up to one overwhelming scene, but once through the shellshock (I cant hear myself think) it's quite appealing - although must be experienced in a group to avoid being completely submerged in a sea of garish sound, colour and rich Brooklyn-Italian accents.

The menu, family-style, which means heartly portions of everything to share; salad, pasta, seafood, meat. Definltey quantity over quality but well-constructed delicate dishes would have been completely out of place.

Your huge italian family has been coming here for 20 years. If you don't have one, this is the place to get involved.

Mambo Italiano
8803 3rd Ave.
New York
+1 718-833-3891

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